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Quiz Night - 22nd June 2013 - The Waveney Inn, Waveney River Centre


A brilliant turnout of 15 Boats (including 4 from the B.C.C.C.) + 4 cars + 1 model boat “HMS Norfolk”. 43 members and guests sat down for the dinner.

This was the "long" weekend of the "HMS Norfolk" 24 hour endurance test, which although successful to a great degree and fantastic to watch, was more of an endurance test for the club members who attended and helped out in various guises. But, all-in-all - great fun!

The weather didn't help - windy and showery (some very heavy), with scant views of the sun, and the conditions for most of the time in running the model boat verged on the atrocious side.  Most of us were knackered prior to the actual Saturday night dinner and quiz - but we livened up quickly with a good meal; good company; interesting quiz; and a lively and entertaining musical finale!

As soon as the model boat event finished, after noon on the Saturday, we took advantage of a break in the weather and quickly took down the gazebo and packed it away on little "Kontiki" - ready for its journey back to Brundall. For the rest of the afternoon, we sat around "dazed", some resting; others enjoying a few drinks in the sun.

We then got ready for the evening's entertainment - meeting up in the pub bar just after 7pm.

Nigel and Tracy did us proud again, quickly serving up the hot fish and chips, after we took our places in the Gallery room. 43 of us sat down to dinner, and we were joined by Bob and Norma just after 8.30. (Norma's back was still bad - preventing Bob coming up by boat and joining us for the whole weekend)


The tables were quickly cleared and we all settled into quiz team mode, each paying a £1 entry fee which was to go to help pay for the "cabaret" entertainment later! Bob had set up a 3 part quiz, a pretty tricky one as well, but the 3rd.stage multiplier round sorted the "men from the boys" and led to some big scores. And, guess whose team won? Mine! the "Grey Nomads", and so I get to keep the Commodore's Cup for another year - big cheers all round? ( mostly shouts of "fiddle, fiddle").

Team "HMS Norfolk" were a close second, followed by Team Hinderclay ( John and Fay, and friends).

We then helped our star turn, Maria the Saxophonist (she works in the WRC shop and office) get all her gear set up and, at 10pm, we were treated to some great music and vocals, with the dance floor quickly getting full with those members who could still stand up after such a busy weekend! Everyone agreed that Maria was a brilliant entertainer and it was an unexpected treat with which to finish the event.

It all ended too soon just after 11, but a few of clung on 'till after midnight to drink up before making our way back to the boats and bed.

The Sunday saw some bouts of the strongest winds and rain I have experienced on the Broads, at one time near-hurricane conditions for 30 minutes or so! It died down a bit after lunch, so we all said our goodbyes and made our getaways downriver on the ebbing tide.

Another fine event was over, but there's always Loddon next.

See you all at Loddon on 20th.July?



June 2013




On behalf of myself, and of the club, I would like to say a big thank you to all those club members who helped Graham successfully complete his model boat endurance test. Well done.



We raised £193.09 in the charity bucket we took around at the WRC, and £39.47 in the one circulating at Beccles YS.

Also, many were going to send money online to the 3 charities that Graham had nominated.

100827-0911 Kontiki Sept Holiday00762010 Beccles

Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club

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